Transformational Leadership in Emergency Department for Nursing Staff Retention

Sarah Mohammad Iqbal Chagani*
*Head Nurse, Department of Emergency, The Aga Khan University Hospital, BScN, MScN Student.
Periodicity:May - July'2015


Nursing staff retention is an important issue requiring intervention on all levels of hospital management. High nursing staff turnover has immense financial implication on health care organizations as training a novice nurse is more expensive than operating a hospital on experienced personnel. Nursing leadership is a pioneer of development and progression in health care organization. The leadership styles employed by the hospital nursing management have great implications over the nursing staff turnover and retention.


Transformational Leadership, Emergency Department and Transformational Leadership, Leadership and Nurse Retention, Emergency Nurse Retention.

How to Cite this Article?

Chagani, S.M.I. (2015). Transformational Leadership in Emergency Department for Nursing Staff Retention. i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 5(2), 4-9.


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