The Impact of Peer Observation and Feedback on Technical Seminar Presentations: A Constructive Model

V. Vijaya Vani*
*Professor, Department of English, CMR Engineering College, Hyderabad.
Periodicity:July - September'2015


The present paper attempts to showcase the need and importance of peer observation and feedback in developing technical seminar presentation skills of the students at tertiary level. The paper endeavors to know whether a structured format will help students to know what they have to observe in the seminar presentations to give constructive feedback. Further, the study examines whether peer feedback ensures more involvement of target group in teaching/learning process or not.


Technical Seminar, Presentation Skills, Peer Observation, Peer Feedback, Constructive Format

How to Cite this Article?

Vani, V. V. (2015). The Impact of Peer Observation and Feedback on Technical Seminar Presentations: A Constructive Model. i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching, 5(3), 28-33.


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