Investigation on Pozzolanic Effect of Mineral Admixtures in Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement

S. Krishna Rao*, P. Sravana**, 0***
* Research Scholar, Civil Engineering, JNTUH, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
** Professor, Civil Engineering, JNTUH, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
*** Professor, DMSSVH College of Engineering, Machilipatnam, AP, India.
Periodicity:June - August'2015


In the present paper the pozzolanic effect of two different mineral admixtures( Fly ash and Ground granulated Blast Furnace slag) in Roller compacted concrete (RCC) was studied quantitatively with various strength indices namely specific strength ratio(R), index of specific strength(K) and contribution rate of pozzolanic effect to strength(P). Cement was partially replaced with mineral admixtures by 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% and 60% by weight respectively for Fly ash (FA) and Ground granulated Blast Furnace slag (GGBS). Besides the strength properties, these indices showed that early curing age, specific strength of Fly ash Roller Compacted Concrete (FRCC) decreases with increase in FA content, whereas the specific strength of GGBS Roller Compacted Concrete (GRCC) increases with increase in GGBS content. After 90 days of Curing, the contribution of mineral admixture effect on Flexural Strength of FRCC and GRCC are 50% and 63 % respectively.


Roller Compacted Concrete; Specific Strength, Pozzolanic Effect, Specific Strength Ratio, GGBS, Fly Ash.

How to Cite this Article?

Rao, S.K., Sravana, P., and Rao, T.C. (2015). Investigation on Pozzolanic Effect of Mineral Admixtures in Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement. i-manager’s Journal on Structural Engineering, 4(2), 28-38.


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