Strength and Ductility of Steel Fibre Reinforced High Performance Concrete (SFRHPC) Flexural Members

T. Sekar*
*Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University College of Engineering, Ramanathapuram, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:June - August'2015


This paper presents results of an experimental investigation carried out to study strength and ductility of conventionally reinforced high performance concrete flexural members (i.e. beams) additionally reinforced with steel fibres. Totally ten beams of 150 x 200 x 2200 mm size were cast with and without steel fibres, and tested under two point flexural loading. For casting beams, a high performance concrete (HPC) of M60 grade, and short discrete steel fibres of 0.5 mm diameter were used. The main variables considered in this study are: three different aspect ratios of steel fibres viz. 50, 75 and 100, and in each aspect ratio, three different volume fractions of fibres viz. 0.50%, 0.75% and 1.0%. Test results indicate that addition of steel fibres to conventionally reinforced HPC beam improves strength, ductility and other engineering properties markedly, and the improvement achieved is more when fibre length or fibre content is more. However, the rate of improvement reduces with increase in fibre content. Besides, incorporation of steel fibres improves cracking behaviour of beam by increasing first crack load, and also by forming large number of fine cracks. Furthermore, introduction of steel fibres improves dimensional stability and overall integrity of beam by effective 'fibre bridging action' across cracks. Empirical equations are also proposed to predict strength and ductility of SFRHPC composite beam in terms of 'fibre reinforcing index'.


High Performance Concrete, Steel Fibre, Flexural Member, Strength, Ductility, Cracking Behaviour, Empirical Equation

How to Cite this Article?

Sekar, T. (2015). Strength and Ductility of Steel Fibre Reinforced High Performance Concrete (SFRHPC) Flexural Members. i-manager’s Journal on Structural Engineering, 4(2), 1-9.


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