A Review on Miniaturized Microstrip Technology along with Metamaterial for Low Pass filter application

Akshay Kumar Srivastava*, Arvind Kumar Pandey**, B.S. Rai***
* PG Student, Department of ECE, MMMUT Gorakhpur, U.P, India.
** Research Fellow, Department of ECE, MMMUT Gorakhpur, U.P, India.
*** Professor, Department of ECE, MMMUT Gorakhpur, U.P, India.
Periodicity:June - August'2015
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jele.5.4.3539


This paper provides knowledge about how to decrease the overall physical size and insertion loss of the filter. Metamaterial is taken as a reference to achieve this goal. Physical size and light weight is a major concern in today's integrated circuit. The application of low pass filter is very wide in the field of communication engineering and the complex receiver in which frequency selection is a primary factor and much more. The rate of change of magnitude with respect to frequency (roll off) and the magnitude in pass band are two most important features of any filters. The particular shape of metamaterial having various unit cell has ability to improve the overall performance of filter. This improves selectivity to great extent. Metamaterial in shape of hexagonal-omega structure provides the negative permittivity.


Metamaterial, Microstrip Line, Negative Refractive Index, Microstrip Filter, Miniaturization.

How to Cite this Article?

Srivastava, A.K., Pandey, A., and Rai, B.S. (2015). A Review on Miniaturized Microstrip Technology along with Metamaterial for Low Pass filter application. i-manager's Journal on Electronics Engineering, 5(4), 1-6. https://doi.org/10.26634/jele.5.4.3539


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