Li-Fi Technology Light Source as a Hub of Data Transmission and Projection Display

P. Manju*, G. Marakatha Minu**, G. Dev Jerusha***, J. Banumathi****
*-*** B.E Students,Department of Computer Science and Engineering,University College of Engineering, Konam, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India.
**** Assistant Professor,Department of Computer Science and Engineering,University College of Engineering, Konam, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:November - January'2015


Li-Fi stands for Light-Fidelity which is a new era of wireless communication and data sharing. There is an increase in internet users exponentially, but the Radio Spectrum is congested. Moreover, the demand for wireless data double each year. This paper focuses on developing a Li-Fi based system and analyzes its performance with respect to existing technology. LI-Fi technology also introduces the LUXIM LIFI technology and describes its integration into projection display systems. Wi-Fi is great for general wireless coverage within buildings, whereas Li-Fi is ideal for high density wireless data coverage in confined areas and for relieving radio interference issues.


Li-Fi, Wi-Fi, RF (Radio Frequency), VLC (Visible Light Communication), LED (Light Emitting Diodes)

How to Cite this Article?

Manju.P., Minu,M.G., Jerusha,D.G., and Banumathi. J. (2015). Li-Fi Technology Light Source as a Hub of Data Transmission and Projection Display. i-manager’s Journal on Embedded Systems, 3(4), 35-40.


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