Contribution of Hotel and Restaurant Industry to Solid Waste: An Assessment of its Impact on Environment

Nripendra Singh*, S. Krishna Sundari**, Amar Nath***
* Assistant Professor, Jaypee Business School, JIIT, Noida, India.
** Associate Professor, Jaypee institute of Information Technology, Noida, India.
*** Faculty, Jaypee Business School, JIIT, Noida, India.
Periodicity:June - August'2015


Hotels and Restaurant Industry (HRI) are one of the vital parts of service industries that provide tangible as well as intangible services. HRI produces a wide variety of waste that has diverse short term and long term impact on environment and human health. These negative effects compound over a period of time and they are felt not only by those people directly handling the waste, but also severely affect those who are not involved directly with it.

The aim of the paper is to identify the global problem of waste generation from hotel industry, which leads to the deterioration of environment and human health. Hotel industry is one of the major contributors of waste generation. So the impact assessment on environment is now mandatory for the existence of organization and human beings.

Authors of this manuscript focus on various dimensions of solid waste generated from HRI and their remedies. With the help of Leopold matrix and Network diagram, wastes are categorized based on their recyclability, organic/inorganic nature and their toxicity. There are some case studies that prove the ill and adverse effects of waste. The paper also provides the route for solid waste disposal as practiced by HRI in India.


Hotels and Restaurant Industry, Solid Waste, Health, Environment Impact Assessment (EIA), Leopold Matrix, Network Diagram Methods

How to Cite this Article?

Singh, N., Sundari, S. K., and Nath, A. (2015). Contribution of Hotel and Restaurant Industry to Solid Waste: An Assessment of its Impact on Environment. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 10(1), 22-32.


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