Hybrid Fault Categorization Approach to Reduce theTesting Cost of Combinatorial Test Cases

* M.Tech Scholar, Department of CSE, JNTUA College of Engineering, Anantapuramu, A.P, India.
** Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, JNTUA College of Engineering, Anantapuramu, A.P, India.
Periodicity:January - March'2015
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jse.9.3.3469


Modern Software systems are configuring with vast number of options according to the need of the user. So role of the tester is difficult to test those type of customizable systems. Combinatorial Interaction Testing (CIT) approaches such as covering arrays, configuration and parameter testing, systematically samples the configurations and tests only the selected configurations. In this paper, the authors have proposed to combine conclusive evidence and statistical evidence based on fault characterization to develop a hybrid approach. Based on this hybrid mechanism, the authors can improve accuracy in terms of reliability and can reduce the testing cost of combinatorial test cases. The results suggest that the faults exist in practice, and the hybrid approach provides an efficient way to work around the reduction of faults.


Combinatorial Interaction Testing (CIT), Covering Arrays, Error Locating Arrays, Fault Classification.

How to Cite this Article?

Mounika, M., and Lalitha, B. (2015). Hybrid Fault Categorization Approach to Reduce the Testing Cost Of Combinatorial Test Cases. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 9(3), 21-26. https://doi.org/10.26634/jse.9.3.3469


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