A Study To Investigate The Anxiety Level Of M.Phil Students At Entry Level

Aijaz Ahmed Gujjar*, Bushra Naoreen Choudhry**
* Lecturer: Federal College of Education, Islamabad. Pakistan.
** Lecturer, Department of Education, G C University, Faisalabad,
*-** Doctoral Scholars at Department of Education, The lslamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan.
Periodicity:August - October'2008
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.2.2.346


Output of Education: Largely depends on input made along with the potential of learner.  Environment of learning, aptitude of learner, tutor, resource person, and peer group has significant in determining of anxiety level of the learner.  This study investigates the anxiety level of M.Phil students of The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan at entrance level in the programme.  Study was delimited to the academic session 2006- 2007. All the students (200) from the M.Phil level were selected as sample which was 100% of the total population. A 39 item rating scale was used as tool.  Findings include that on entry into the programme students interest increased, motivated feeling of relationship with university, otherwise impaired hearing, impaired vision and over eating were symptoms of anxiety.  It is recommended that an introductory positive orientation letter may be served to the students, first session of workshop may be denoted to anxiety relaxation techniques, anxiety level of students may also be assessed after first semester so remedial treatment may be given to the needy students.


Anxiety Level, Tension, Interest, Sensitive, M.Phil Programme, Anxious, Mood, Depression.

How to Cite this Article?

Dr. Aijaz Ahmed Gujjar and Dr. Bushra Naoreen Choudhry (2008). A Study To Investigate The Anxiety Level Of M.Phil Students At Entry Level. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 2(2), 34-42. https://doi.org/10.26634/jpsy.2.2.346


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