An Efficient Ticket Based Mutual Authentication Between User And Server For Secure Data Transmission

Dr. D. Srujan Chandra Reddy*, sunil kumar V.V**
*-** Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, PBR Visvodaya Institute of Technology and Science, Kavali, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:March - May'2015


The increased use of the internet today can be attributed to increase in population. Protecting data in many times tougher than securing valueables. Especially, in data transmission between user and centralized server it is difficult to protect data from attackers; to predict attackers, users must cross verify many times, and both user and server must be mutually authenticated. The authors studied the previous research work and they introduced methods for mutual authentication but still the previous method is vulnerable from attacks like denial of service attack, password guessing, masquerade, etc. The authors have done cryptanalysis on previous research work and come to know that still their method is vulnerable and therefore the authors have proposed a new method of ticket based mutual authentication between user and server. Finally, in this paper the authors have done security analysis and explain how this method predicts attacks which are possible in the existing method.


Security Attacks, Cryptanalysis, Security Analysis, Mutual Authentication, Data Transformation

How to Cite this Article?

Reddy, D.S.C., and Kumar, V.V.S. (2015). An Efficient Ticket Based Mutual Authentication Between User And Server For Secure Data Transmission, i-manager’s Journal on Computer Science, 3(1), 27-32.


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