A Study on Attitude and Opinion towards Using Computer Technology in Teaching among B.Ed. Trainees in Tiruchirappalli District

Ashok Kumar*
Principal In-Charge, Jai Sai College of Education, Tiruchirappalli, India.
Periodicity:April - June'2015
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jet.12.1.3434


The main aim of the study was to find out whether there was a significant difference in the attitude and opinion towards using Computer Technology in teaching among B.Ed., trainees in terms of select independent variables. Normative survey was the technique employed. Opinion towards Computer Usage and Attitude towards Computer Technology inventory developed by Karpaga Kumaravel. K. and Amulraj. A. (2013), was used for data collection. A stratified representative sample of 150 B.Ed. trainees of self-financed B.Ed. colleges in Tiruchirappalli district constituted the sample for this study. The major findings were there were significant differences in Attitude towards Computer Technology in teaching, between age group below 25 years and above 26 years, Under Graduates and Post Graduates and rural and urban localities.


Attitude, Computer Technology, CAI, CALL.

How to Cite this Article?

Kumar, C. A. (2015). A Study on Attitude and Opinion towards Using Computer Technology in Teaching Among B.Ed., Trainees In Tiruchirappalli District. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 12(1), 36-51. https://doi.org/10.26634/jet.12.1.3434


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