An Exploratory Study on K-12 Teachers' Use of Technology and Multimedia in the Classroom

Florence Martin*, Marsha L. Carr**
* Associate Professor, Instructional Systems Technology, University of North Carolina Charlotte, USA.
** Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership, University of North Carolina Wilmington, USA.
Periodicity:April - June'2015


21st century has seen new technology and multimedia made available for integration in K-12 classrooms. This exploratory study examines K-12 teachers' use of technology and multimedia in the classroom in two southern counties in the Southeastern United States. The purpose of the study was to answer the following five research questions: 1) What technology do teachers use in the classroom; 2) How often do teachers use technology/multimedia in the classroom; 3) How do teachers integrate technology/multimedia in their lessons; 4) What are some of the tools teachers use to create multimedia; and 5) Where do teachers learn to use to create multimedia? The study utilized a survey method to determine the types of multimedia technologies teachers routinely integrated in the classroom. Research data from 701 practicing K-12 teachers is reported in this study. Desktop computers, Laptops and Smartboards were the top three technologies that were being used in the classroom. Powerpoint was still the most popular tool for creating multimedia followed by Youtube, which was used by about half of the respondents in this study. This study has implications for teachers, teacher educators and school administrators who make decisions on technology integration in the classroom.


Technology Integration, K-12 Multimedia, K-12 Technology.

How to Cite this Article?

Martin, F., and Carr, M. L. (2015). An Exploratory Study on K-12 Teachers' Use of Technology and Multimedia in the Classroom. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 12(1), 7-14.


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