GIS and Open Geosuite for Sacred Groves of Kodagu District

B.Shushma Shashi*, G.S. Dwarakish**
* Geologist, Mines and Geology department, Bangalore, India.
** Head of the Department of Applied Mechanics and Hydraulics, National Institute of Technology Karnataka-Surathkal, Mangalore, India.
Periodicity:June - August'2015


In emerging technology paradigm, “Geographical Information System (GIS)” has emerged as a powerful tool which has the potential to organize complex spatial environment with tabular relationships. For the present work, study area considered is Kodagu District of Karnataka State where 1412 Sacred Groves (SG) are identified. SGs are the places where biodiversity will be preserved based on religious beliefs. Present work describes how GIS tools can be utilized effectively to manage and disseminate the spatial data and its role in conservation of SG which is the need of the day. During field visit, totally 851 species have been studied, out of which 91 are Tree species, 59 are Medicinal plant species, 16 are animals and 26 are bird species. It has been found among these that 2 are Critically Endangered, 1 Endangered, 7 vulnerable Tree species, and 2 Endangered,4 vulnerable animal species and 26 least concerned bird species can be seen in SGs. Open Geo Suite application proved to be effective not only in visualization, but also in dissemination of data as well as answering the location/attribute based queries. From the study, it can be concluded that, GIS tools and Open Geo Suite applications are effective in supporting conservation and sustainable management of this age old tradition.


Sacred Groves, Biodiversity Geodatabase, Open GeoSuite, Conservation.

How to Cite this Article?

Shashi,S.B., Dwarakish.G.S., (2015). GIS and Open Geosuite for Sacred Groves of Kodagu District. i-manager’s Journal on Civil Engineering, 5(3), 7-15.


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