Identification, Modelling and Lateral Parameters Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

sheilza jain*, Nilesh Kumar**
* Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics Engineering, YMCA University of Science and Technology, Faridabad, India.
** Research Scholar, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Delhi, India.
Periodicity:November - January'2015


Inorder to control flight path and trajectory of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), an autonomous flight, it is desirable to control its various parameters. This paper presents, a UAV flight path control scheme for the control of lateral parameters of fixed wings UAV using MATLAB platform. In this paper, mathematical model of 6 degrees of freedom UAV comprising of three linear and three rotational motions, is divided into two subsystems i.e, longitudinal and lateral subsystems. Longitudinal sub-system is responsible for the control of parameters which only affect the vehicle speed and height without any change in direction of motion while lateral sub-system is responsible for the control of parameters which will change the direction of motion of vehicle known as heading. Both subsystems are Multi Input Multi Output (MIMO) in nature and to make it simpler, the desired input-output combinations are extracted for the effective control of vehicle. Further, different controllers are used in closed loop to control various final control elements so that the vehicle can follow the desired path. This technique can be also used to control other autonomous vehicles and Autopilots. The implementation and simulation of different controllers on UAV is done using MATLAB software.


Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UVA), Lateral Autopilot, Flight Control, Autonomous Aerial Vehicle, MIMO, Single Input Single Output (SISO)

How to Cite this Article?

Jain, S.M., and Kumar, N. (2015). Identification, Modelling and Lateral Parameters Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. i-manager’s Journal on Instrumentation and Control Engineering, 3(1), 9-15.


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