Awareness of Facebook Education among Student Teachers in Present Scenario

D. R. Robert Joan*
Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Christian College of Education, Marthandam, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:March - May'2015


Facebook is one of the most popular social networks in the world. Day by day, it is becoming an indispensable part of people lives affecting the daily routine of people. Developments in Computer Technology lead to developments in Communication Technologies and styles as well. Facebook is one of the significant examples of these developments. In addition, mobile phone companies encourage people to use wireless devices in order to connect to Social Network. The aim of the present study is to investigate the awareness of Facebook Education among student teachers in current scenario. The objective of the study was to find the difference between/among student teachers in their awareness of facebook education with respect to gender, locality, religion and family income, and also to find the correlation between Facebook awareness and Academic achievement among student teachers in Kanyakumari district. The investigator used the survey method to determine the facebook awareness of the students in the college of education. The present study consists of 140 samples from the population of Colleges of Education. The investigator has used two tools for the present study. They are ‘Facebook awareness scale’ and ‘Personal data sheet’. The hypothesis of this study was that there is no significant difference/among student teachers in their facebook awareness with respect to gender, locality, religion and family income. Also there is no significant correlation between facebook awareness and academic achievement among student teachers in Kanyakumari district. The finding shows that there is no significant difference between/among student teachers in their facebook awareness with respect to gender, locality, religion and family income. But there was positively very high correlation between Facebook Awareness and Academic achievement. Therefore it was concluded, that facebook awareness in education is important to all the student teachers in different areas irrespective of the, gender, religion and income of the family.


Facebook Awareness, Timeline, News Feed, Ticker, Profiles, Pages and Groups

How to Cite this Article?

Robert Joan (2015). Awareness of Facebook Education among Student Teachers in Present Scenario.i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 10(4), 35-43.


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