Tri–Squared Qualitative and Mixed Methods Analysis of Perceptions of the Effectiveness of the Student Athlete Leadership Academy [SALA]: A Character Development and College Preparatory Program for Young African American Men

Harvey Hinton*, James Edward Osler II**
*-** North Carolina Central University, USA
Periodicity:March - May'2015


This paper outlines the major dimensions and overall effectiveness of the Student Athlete Leadership Academy (or “SALA”). SALA is a character development and college preparatory program designed for middle grade student athletes. The focus of this paper is to provide information about year 1 of SALA. At the same time the paper will contextualize SALA within the spectrum of discussions regarding Teacher Education and its ability to address the needs of young African American men. The data analysis for this study highlights participant responses regarding the overall effectiveness of SALA through the careful examination of : qualitative focus group responses on issues related to SALA curricular implementation and lessons learned; and a Tri–Squared analysis of participant perceptions of overall SALA program effectiveness. The goal of this research investigation is to provide a community–oriented and based program that can be developed into a replicative model. This model can then be offered to other communities seeking to provide meaningful experiences designed to directly address the unique issues and specific needs of young African American men and young men of color


Investigative Instrument, Perceptions, Qualitative Analysis, SALA, Student Athlete Leadership Academy, and Tri–Squared Test.

How to Cite this Article?

Hinton, H., and Osler II, J.E. (2015). Tri–Squared Qualitative and Mixed Methods Analysis of Perceptions of the Effectiveness of the Student Athlete Leadership Academy [Sala]: A Character Development and College Preparatory Program for Young African American Men.i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, 10(4), 7-22.


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