SYMLET Wavelet Transform Applied to Inspect Power Quality Disturbance-Generated Signals

Anand Deshmukh*, Shekhappa G. Ankaliki **
* Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SDM College of Engineering, Dharwad.
** Professor and PG Coordinator, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SDM College of Engineering, Dharwad.
Periodicity:April - June'2015


Power quality analysis is a classical problem in Electrical Engineering, since the electrical signal contains transients' disturbances, that can be caused for diverse reasons: Switching of electrical motors, capacitor banks, etc. For improving the power quality knowledge, it is necessary to analyze efficiently the different disturbances. The objective is to identify the transients in real time, to be corrected immediately. One of the most important issues in power quality problems is, how to detect and classify disturbance waveforms automatically in an efficient manner. Automatic disturbance recognition can be carried out with the help of a wavelet transform. The approach proposed in this paper is robust in detecting and localizing a wide range of power disturbances such as fast voltage fluctuations, short and long duration voltage variations, transients, noise and harmonic distortion.


Wavelet-Transform, Disturbances, Power quality, Fourier-Transform

How to Cite this Article?

Deshmukh, A., and Ankaliki, S. G. (2015). SYMLET Wavelet Transform Applied to Inspect Power Quality Disturbance-Generated Signals. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 8(4), 19-25.


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