Transient Analysis of High-Phase Induction Machines

M. Rizwan Khan*, Islam Khan**
* Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India
** Assistant Professor, ACN College of Engineering and Management Studies, Aligarh, India.
Periodicity:April - June'2015


In this work, an attempt is made to provide a detailed analysis on the different performance indices of a three phase and high phase induction motor in the SIMULINK environment. There may be two types of configurations possible. The first configuration is made by adding externally a number of identical windings in the already existing three phase induction motor, and the second configuration, in which the same machine is wound for different phase numbers. The relevant changes in the motor, is reported in this paper. Simulations for the second case has been carried out and the results from the simulations show that high phases (3, 5, 7) have better performance characteristics such as speed, torque, current etc. as compared to three-phase counterpart machine. The findings are verified by experimentation.


High-Phase Machine, Modeling, Reference Frame, Machine Indices.

How to Cite this Article?

Khan, M. R., and Khan, I. (2015). Transient Analysis of High-Phase Induction Machines. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 8(4), 1-6.


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