Using Web-based Practice Activities to Enhance and Support Preservice Teachers’ Learning

Pamela M. Stecker*, Paul Riccomini**
* Professor, Teacher Education, Eugene T Moore School of Education, Clemson University
** Associate Professor, Teacher Education, Eugene T Moore School of Education, Clemson University
Periodicity:August - October'2008


This article details two ways in which web-based practice activities were used to support instruction and enhance preservice teachers’ learning in a course on teaching reading to students with learning disabilities. First, we describe two performance-based assessments used to evaluate the integration of preservice teachers’ knowledge and skills with respect professional standards. Then, we briefly summarize two small studies that contrasted technology-enhanced practice with more traditional practice activities to support preservice teachers’ learning specifically progress monitoring and in teaching essential beginning ready. Last, we discuss how teacher preparation programs may better meet performance-based professional standards through relatively simple integration of web-based technology in course activities designed to improve preservice teachers’ knowledge and skills.


Pre-service, Teacher Education, Teacher Preparation, Web-Based Practice, Enhanced Practice, Oral Reading Fluency, Alphabetic Principle, Phonics.

How to Cite this Article?

Pamela M. Stecker and Paul Riccomini (2008). Using Web-based Practice Activities to Enhance and Support Preservice Teachers’ Learning. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 2(2), 9-15.


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