Review and Illustration on Same Areas of the Supply Chain Network in Indian Railways

Saurabh Bhardwaj*, 0**
*-** Department of Production and Industrial Engineering, PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh, India.
Periodicity:March - May'2015


This paper aims to highlight the importance of transport and logistics in the area of Supply Chain Management (SCM) in Indian Railways. SCM aims to provide finished goods, services and information to the ultimate customer smoothly and effectively. This paper identifies various developments of supply chain in the field of transportation especially in railways. In Indian Railway, coal transportation has been the major source of revenue earning as far as freight transport is concerned. This paper further presents a case study where coal loading statistics of two consecutive years in Dhanbad Railway Division of India has been used to calculate the process capability index. The paper concludes with the findings that the average target loading per day was 7.574 M.T, while average actual loading achieved per day was 7.437 M.T and the average actual C achieved was 0.249.


Supply Chain, Freight Service, Process Capability, Transport, Coal Loading

How to Cite this Article?

Bhardwaj, S., and Jawalkar, C. S. (2015). Review and Illustration on Same Areas of the Supply Chain Network in Indian Railways. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 9(4), 18-25.


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