Design and Analysis of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements for Low Volume Roads in India

S. Krishna Rao*, P. Sravana**, 0***
*Research Scholar, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
**Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
*** Professor, Daita Madhusudana Sastry Sri Venkateswara Hindu College of Engineering, Machilipatnam. AP, India
Periodicity:March - May'2015


Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) is an innovative pavement material for the construction of low volume rural roads. RCC can easily overcome the problems usually observed in the construction of flexible bituminous pavements. RCC is the commercial name used for concrete placed with conventional hot mix bituminous paving equipment compacted with vibratory rollers.RCC pavements are highly rigid and hence eliminates the high deformation problems such as rutting and corrugations generally encountered in flexible pavements. For rural development in India, connectivity of rural roads is an important aspect; but many rural roads such as ODR (Other District Roads) and VR (Village Roads) are of poor quality, potholed, and unable to withstand the loads of heavy farm equipment. Two construction techniques are available i.e., rigid and flexible. Of these, selection of type of construction depends on the sub-grade soil types, rainfall, traffic pattern and availability of construction materials. In the present paper, the design and analysis of RCC Pavements have been considered in place of conventional Cement Concrete Pavements and Bituminous pavements. The flexural strengths of Roller compacted concrete of 4.5MPa, 5.0MPa and 5.5MPa are considered for design and analysis. Design curves for low volume roads are presented. Proposed RCC pavement is suitable for sub-grade having low modulus of reaction.


Rural Roads, RCCP, Stiffness, Wheel Load, Radius of Relative Stiffness, Load Stress, Pavement Thickness.

How to Cite this Article?

Rao,K.S., Sravana.P., and Rao,C.T. (2015). Design and Analysis of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements for Low Volume Roads in India. i-manager’s Journal on Civil Engineering, 5(2), 9-15.


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