Software Defined Network Based Forensic System ForConcealed Communication Detection

Shantala C.P*, K.V Viswanatha**
* Research Scholar, C.M.R University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
** Dean, PG Studies, C.M.R University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Periodicity:October - December'2014


The popularity of steganography has Increased in private network due to data exfllfrafion of corporate sensitive data and If Is Important to detect such malicious activity. In vi'deo a large amount of data can be hidden which is becoming Increasingly a concern of Interest . If Is very hard to defect the Inside affacker in the organization network who can extract the sensitive Information from organization and fransfer that information In hidden format through the video sfeganography To ensure privacy and security the authors have proposed an effective sfeganalysis method to defect hidden data in video by using the SDN framework pollcy. With the help of the SDN framework administrator of private network can look at the whole network and control the network by programming The main objective of this paper Is to prevent the illegal data transmission from the compromised private network by the mallclous users. Keywords: Steganography, Data Exfiltration, and Software Defined Network.


Steganography, Data Exfiltration and Software Defined Network.

How to Cite this Article?

Shantala.C.P., and Viswanatha.K.V.(2014). Software Defined Network Based Forensic System For Concealed Communication Detection. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering,9(2), 17-23.


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