Design and Implementation of a Social Networking Site

Hana Esmaeel*, Mustafa Laith Hussein**, Afkar Abdul-Ellah***, AbdulJabbar****
* Senior Lecturer, Department of Information & Communicafion, Coliege of Information Engineering, Al Nahrain University, Iraq.
**-***-**** Department of Informatlon & Communlcatlon, College of Information Engineering, AI Nahraln UnI_versity, Iraq
Periodicity:October - December'2014


The paper is concerned with the design and Implementation of a Social Networking Site (SNS). The proposed system is designed and implemented using PHP(Hypertext Preprocessor), My SQL(My Structured Query Language)and JavaScript and tested using XAMPP server. Users can create their own account in SNS and enjoy the benefit from the services provided by it, like friend request, messages, and comment on any post of friends. The proposed system allows the user to add, remove friends and display their profile. The system enables the user to post on his profile and other network members profile. They can join the friends In groups according to the user's hobbies (sport, art, reading and cars). The friends can share ideas by post and comment features. The proposed system provides the users with Member directory that shows all users that are already registered in SNS and allow them to find and add friends. Administrator has a privilege access to the data base to display update, add, or delete all the content of the database.


Profile, Hobbies, Friends, XAMPP, PHP, Social Networking Site

How to Cite this Article?

Esmaeel,H,R., Hussein,M,L., Abdul-Ellah,A., and Jabbar,A. (2014). Design and Implementation of a Social Networking Site. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering,9(2), 1-8.


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