Design And Implementation Of Different Digital Modulation Analysis For Optical Communications

M. Devarajan*, A. Karikalan**
* PG student, Kingston Engineering College, Vellore, India
** Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Kingston Engineering College, Vellore, India.
Periodicity:September - November'2014


This paper, presents a method to describe all modulation techniques such as BPSK, ASK, FSK, QPSK, OOK. These are compared based on bandwidth requirement, power efficiency, transmission capacity and bit error probability. The modulators are the basic requirement of optical communication systems and they have been designed to reduce the channel distortion, and hence many types of modulation techniques have been proposed here. This paper, mainly focuses on the hardware realization of such several modulation schemes with a minimum area strategy for the universal mobile telecommunication system when it comes to power and error performance. Here MATLAB software is used for simulation and result analysis.


Optical Wireless, BPSK (Binary Phase Shift Keying), ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying), FSK (Frequency Shift Keying), QPSK (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying), OOK (ON-OFF Keying), Mobile Communications, BER (Bit Error Rate).

How to Cite this Article?

Devarajan, M., and Karikalan, A. (2014). Design And Implementation Of Different Digital Modulation Analysis For Optical Communications. i-manager’s Journal on Electronics Engineering, 5(1), 21-26.


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