Mobile Learning and Education

Adnan Majeed*
M.Phil CS Student, Hajvery University Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Gulberg, Lahore, Pakistan.
Periodicity:November - January'2015


This paper presents the survey of mobile learning in education environment. Technology and trends rapidly increase day by day and the evolution of 4G system is being implemented. Currently users of PDA and Smartphones are using whatsapp's applications to save cost and time. The methodology of the paper is based on survey of earlier research and latest research. The investigation of Mobile learning in Universities and Education Institutions has been discussed. Mobile learning provides lot of benefits to the student at the moment. Students can easily learn through mobile, Smartphone and PDA using internet connection. The objective this paper is to present the analysis of mobile learning and education.


Mobile Learning, Mobile Education, Cloud Computing, Mobile Cloud Computing Education, Teacher Perspectives, Student Perspective

How to Cite this Article?

Majeed, A. (2015). Mobile Learning and Education. i-manager’s Journal on Communication Engineering and Systems, 4(1), 30-37.


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