Secure Information Rescue for Scatter DTN using CP-ABE

R. Kanimozhi*, V.Sripriya**, R.Priyadharshini***, R. Meera****, T.Abirami*****
* Assistant Professor Department of Information Technology, A.V.C.College of Engineering, Mannampandal, Mayiladuthurai, India.
**_***_****_***** B.Tech Scholar, Department of Information Technology, A.V.C. College of Engineering, Mannampandal, Mayiladuthurai, India.
Periodicity:December - February'2015


Mobile nodes in military environments like a battlefield or a hostile region square measure possible to suffer from intermittent network property and frequent partitions. Disruption-tolerant network (DTN) technologies are getting successful solutions that permit wireless devices carried by troopers to speak with one another and access the counseling or command reliably by exploiting auxiliary storage nodes. a number of the most difficult problems during this state of affairs square measure the social control of authorization policies and also the policies update for secure knowledge retrieval. Cipher text-policy attribute-based coding (CP-ABE) is a promising science answer to the access management problems. During this paper, we have a tendency to propose a secure data retrieval theme victimization CP-ABE for suburbanized DTNs where multiple key authorities manage their attributes severally. We demonstrate the way to apply the planned mechanism to securely and with efficiency manage the confidential knowledge distributed in the disruption-tolerant military network.


Access Management, Attribute Based Coding (ABE) Disruption-Tolerant Network (DTN), Multiauthority, and Secure Data Retrieval.

How to Cite this Article?

Kanimozhi. R, Sripriya. V, Priyadharshini. R, Meera. R and Abirami. T (2015). Secure Information Rescue for Scatter DTN using CP-ABE. i-manager’s Journal on Information Technology, 4(1), 11-18.


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