Design of Secure Location And Message Sharing System For Android Platform

Juby Mathew*
Assistant Professor, MCA Department, Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirapally, Kerala, India.
Periodicity:August - October'2014


Recently, there is a substantial surge in usage of mobile internet. Thanks to wide range of new Smart phones which are significantly capable to display full websites on small screens than ever before. Android stands out more than others because of its Multitasking, Ease of Notification, and Easy access to thousands of applications via the Google Android App Market, diverse Phone options. Present android-based location and message sharing system asks to input the personal information which fails to protect the privacy of information, has no centralized database which is causing the problem of data management and portability, and one main drawback is unable to have a secured two way communication between web server and android based application.

The Navel Security based approach of integrating group communication and navigation in android gadgets provides effective group communication and navigation. The system intends to achieve two major functions. First function is the effective group communication which provides all registered users to create friend groups, implement real-time communication. Second function is navigation which provides Map service and navigation function on the mobile client for users. It can support the surrounding query, location, path planning etc. Meanwhile, the two parts of the system can be integrated to locate the friend's position and implant path planning between friends. Security is the major concern for such group communication, in this proposed approach an encryption scheme is implemented to ensure secure communication. When a new user comes for registration, a set of images will be provided to him for selection. The user has to enter his username and an image is also required to select. When the user selects the image, that will be compared with the one that he has already selected. If the current image and the selected one match, then he would be allowed to enter the password. Hence, proper security for the system can be ensured.


Location Sharing, Android, PHP, MySQL.

How to Cite this Article?

Mathew, J. (2014). Design of Secure Location And Message Sharing System For Android Platform. i-manager’s Journal on Mobile Applications and Technologies, 1(3), 36-46.


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