Detection Of Sybil Attack For P2P Security In MANETs

M. Reshma*, V. Sowmya Devi**
* M.Tech Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GITAM University, Hyderabad, India.
** Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GITAM University, Hyderabad, India.
Periodicity:August - October'2014


A MANET is an infrastructure-less type network, which consists of the number of mobile nodes with wireless network interfaces. Sybil attack is a serious threat for today's wireless adhoc networks. In sybil attack, a single node pretends several other nodes using various malicious means. Here the authors considered the Topology based routing protocols like DSDV and DSR for the detection of sybil attacks in P2P system. Performance metrics such as packet delivery fraction, throughput and end-to-end delay are evaluated using NS-2.


Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, Sybil Attack, NS-2 (Network Simulator).

How to Cite this Article?

Reshma, M., and Devi, V.S. (2014). Detection Of Sybil Attack For P2P Security In MANETs . i-manager’s Journal on Mobile Applications and Technologies, 1(3), 16-20.


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