Analysis of Voltage Stability Indices for Radial Distribution Systems

Sivanagaraju Sirigiri*, G.Sreenivasan**, K. Nagaraju***
*Department of Electrical Engg,JNTU College of Engg,Anantapur,A.P.India.
**Department of Electrical Engg,Intel College of Engg,Anantapur,A.P.India.
***Department of Electrical Engg,S.S.N. College of Engg,Anantapur,A.P.India.
****Department of Electrical Engg,Swarnandhra College of Engg,Anantapur,A.P.India.
Periodicity:July - September'2008


This paper presents two voltage stability indices for the analysis of radial distribution systems, namely VSI (Voltage Stability Index) and FVSI (Fast Voltage Stability Index), which are more sensitive to voltage collapse. Analysis of these indices is carried out with respect to changes in the reactive power of the system. Five types of load modeling, namely Constant Power, Constant Current, Constant Impedance, Exponential and Composite load models are considered for the purpose of stability analysis and comparative analysis is presented. For analyzing the above, a load flow technique is proposed, which involves a simple algebraic equation for calculating the receiving end voltage. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is tested on 15 node and 69 node radial distribution systems.


Voltage stability index, Fast voltage stability index, Load modeling, Load flow, Radial distribution system

How to Cite this Article?

S. Sivanagaraju, G.Sreenivasan , K. Nagaraju (2008). Analysis of Voltage Stability Indices for Radial Distribution Systems. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 2(1), Jul-Sep 2008, Print ISSN 0973-8835, E-ISSN 2230-7176, pp. 27-35.


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