From Passion to Emotion: Emotional Quotient as Predictor of Work Attitude Behaviour among Faculty Members

0*, Sonia Janice Pilao**, Rona Dela Rosa***
* MSc Research Methods in Psychology, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, United Kingdom
** Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Centro Escolar University, Manila, Philippines
*** Instructor, Department of English, Mariano Quinto Polytechnic College, Bulacan, Philippines
Periodicity:February - April'2015


Positive thinking, in conjunction with a robust attitude, can affect one's well-being and coping strategies under stressful events. This study sought to identify the role of Emotional Quotient (EQ) to Work Attitude Behaviour (WAB) of selected faculty members from three higher educational institutions in the Philippines. Using a non-experimental research design, participants were asked to complete questionnaires to obtain their EQ and WAB scores. EQ was gauged using the Emotional Quotient Test while WAB was measured using a self-made survey questionnaire. A chi-square test revealed that there was no significant relationship between EQ and WAB, F (1,24) = 2.469, p>0.05. Although no significant relationship has been observed, it is argued that findings from this study will highlight the need for teacher-training programmes to raise awareness of the emotional demands of teaching and consider ways to enhance emotion regulation skills in experienced as well as recently qualified teaching staff.


Education, Emotional Quotient, Intelligence, Teaching, Work Attitude Behaviour

How to Cite this Article?

Relojo, D., Pilao, S.J., and Rosa, R. D. (2015). From Passion to Emotion: Emotional Quotient as Predictor of Work Attitude Behaviour Among Faculty Members. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 8(4), 1-10.


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