The paper presented herein was carried out to investigate the permeability characteristics of M100 High Strength Self Compacting Concrete (HSSCC) without fibers and with Steel fibers (Steel Fibers with aspect ratio 60:1). The test method involves cast of cylindrical specimens of size 100 mm diameters x 50 mm height, cured for 28 days before testing. The corrosion process is initiated by applying a constant voltage of 60 volts for a period of 6 hours as per ASTM C1202. In upstream reservoir is a 2.4 M NaCl (Cathode) and in the downstream reservoir is a 0.3 M NaOH solution (Anode).This results in the rapid migration of chloride ions from sodium chloride solution to sodium hydroxide solution, via the pore network offered by the concrete disc shaped specimen. The movement of chloride ions is proportional to the intensity of electric current as measured by an ammeter in the power source. The total charge passed in coulombs is determined and this is used to rate the quality of concrete as given in ASTM C1202 code.