Frequency-Domain Equalization for Delta Modulation in Mobile Communication

Ramya S.*, B. Yuvarani**
*Student, Embedded System Technologies, K.S.R college of Engineering, Tiruchengode, Namakkal
**Assistant Professor, K.S.R college of Engineering, Tiruchengode, Namakkal.
Periodicity:August - October'2014


Two receiver architectures for equalization of multi-h continuous phase modulation (CPM) are presented. In the first technique, the receiver front end is a matched-filter bank, which is obtained from Laurent decomposition of the signal. In the circulant-matrix model, samples of the matched filter are used to perform the equalization in frequency domain. The second technique employs a receiver with a simple front end consisting of a low-pass filter and a fractional sampler. Acirculant matrix model for the latter approach is devised, which relates the Laurent pseudo-symbols to each polyphase component at the output of the sampler. In this paper, delta modulation can simulate both analog and digital signals, during reception the noise will be removed by using Gaussian filter. In this method, turbo coding is used to increase the data rate in mobile communication.


Frequency Domain, Delta Modulation, Gaussian Filter, Turbo Coding.

How to Cite this Article?

Ramya, S., and Yuvarani, B. (2014). Frequency-Domain Equalization for Delta Modulation in Mobile Communication. i-manager’s Journal on Communication Engineering and Systems, 3(4), 22-26.


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