Theoretical Estimation of Electromagnetic RadiationFrom Different Cellular Networks

S. Venkatesulu*, S. Varadarajan**, M. Sadasiva***, B. Dilli kumar****, K. Harshavardhan Reddy*****
* Associate Professor, YITS, Tirupati.
** Professor, SV University, Tirupati.
***-***** Assistant Professor, YITS, Tirupati.
Periodicity:August - October'2014


This paper focuses on the electromagnetic radiation from various emblematic cellular mobile base stations in the urban, semi urban and rural locations. Theoretical assessment of radiofrequency exposure due to cellular base station antennas is treated. The estimation of the Electric field with reference to macro cell towers Installation is derived. From the electric field thus evaluated, magnetic field and power density are determined. Finally, the received power is calculated for the given power density, receiver antenna gain and frequency of the cell towers.

The electric field, magnetic field, power density and radiated power are calculated for the different effective radiated powers, with different operating frequencies, and with distance ranging of 10 meters to 600 meters. The theoretical analysis of the field intensities of the radiation emitted from the RF source, and thus computing radiated power levels at various distances from the RF source, helps in estimating the radius of zone where the radiation level is hazardous.


Electromagnetic radiation (EMR), mobile base station, Radio and TV broadcasting

How to Cite this Article?

Venkatesulu, S., Varadarajan, S., Sadasiva, M., Kumar, B. D. and Reddy, K. H. (2014). Theoretical Estimation of Electromagnetic Radiation from Different Cellular Networks. i-manager’s Journal on Communication Engineering and Systems, 3(4), 1-7.


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