Detection of Malicious Activities in Computer Network Using Soft Computing

D.P. Gaikwad*, Kiran Kale**, Shabnoor Pathan***, Lokesh Chandawar****, Vivek Firake*****
* Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, AISSMS'S College Of Engineering, Pune
**-***** Students, Department of Computer Engineering, All India ShriShivaji Memorial Society's College of Engineering, Pune.
Periodicity:July - September'2014


With the increased use of internet, cyber threats have increased exponentially. To prevent our system from such threats, we need an anomaly detection system that will inspect all the network activities and identify any suspicious pattern that may indicate breach of security resulting in damage of computing resources. In this paper, the authors are introducing anomaly detection system that uses multilayer perceptron, a model of Artificial Neural Network (ANN). In this system, Multilayer Perceptron uses backpropagation learning algorithm. For training and testing purpose, they have used NSLKDD dataset. The trained model of Multilayer Perceptron is then used for real-time anomaly detection using tcpdump (packet sniffing tool in Linux). This system has successfully achieved a very low false-positive rate.


ANN, Multilayer Perceptron, Anomaly Detection, NSL-KDD.

How to Cite this Article?

Gaikwad.D.P., Kale,K., Pathan,S., Chandawar,L., and Firake,V. (2014). Detection of Malicious Activities in Computer Network Using Soft Computing. i-manager’s Journal on Software Engineering, 9(1), 9-16.


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