Smart Traffic Flow Control Using MSP430

G. Vasuki*, M. Ranjithkumar**, C. Ramya***, P. A. Mohana Raja****, R. Shanmuga Sundaram*****
*-**** Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Knowledge Institute of Technology, Kakapalayam, Salem, Tamil Nadu.
***** Assistant Professor, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Knowledge Institute of Technology, Kakapalayam, Salem, Tamil Nadu.
Periodicity:May - July'2014


The usage of vehicles have been increased in large urban areas causing heavy traffic in signals. It is one of the main reasons for miserable accidents in urban areas. In conventional traffic control system, there is a situation where GREEN signal is ON when high number of vehicles are present in the particular lane. If RED signal is ON, then it shows that low number of vehicles are present in that lane. When there is no vehicle in that lane means, YELLOW signal is ON. The smart traffic control system employs dynamic time management algorithm which avoids such contradictions. According to this system, contradiction can be eliminated using an IR Sensor and MSP430 Microcontroller. If there are high numbers of vehicles in that lane, it can be detected using the IR Sensor. The MSP430 Microcontroller is programmed accordingly, switches the traffic light facilitating the flow of number of vehicles in particular lane. If the number of vehicles is high in a lane, then the Microcontroller maintains the vehicle movement in low number lane until the pre-set time runs out. So the uniform traffic flow is maintained. The system gives the first priority to high flow lane. This paper is used for controlling traffic signals, air pollution and reduces the man power.


Traffic Signals, Dynamic Time Management Algorithm, MSP430, IR sensor

How to Cite this Article?

Vasuki.G., Ranjithkumar.M., Ramya.C., Raja,M.P.A., and Sundaram,S.R. (2014). Smart Traffic Flow Control Using Msp430. i-manager's journal on Embedded Systems, 3(2), 9-14.


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