An Overture of Mobile Cloud Computing and its Applications

D. R. Robert Joan*
Assistant Professor, Mathematics Education, Christian College of Education, Marthandam, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:August - October'2014


In this article, the author presents some information related to Mobile cloud computing and its applications. Mobile Cloud Computing is the combination of cloud computing, mobile computing and wireless networks to bring rich computational resources to mobile users, network operators, as well as cloud computing providers. Mobile cloud computing at its simplest refers to an infrastructure where both the data storage and data processing happen outside of the mobile device. From various studies, the author concludes that mobile cloud computing provides data storage, processing services in clouds at low cost and elastically in an on-demand fashion. It also provides security architecture when mobile devices integrate with cloud. Some of the mobile cloud computing applications are mobile healthcare, mobile commerce, mobile learning, mobile gaming, social networks like twitter and facebook, booking applications for travel and shopping. Cloud services such as guiding their trip, showing maps, recording itinerary, and storing images and video are also in the mobile devices.


Mobile Cloud, Mobile Cloud Computing, Mobile Cloud Computing Architecture, Mobile Cloud Computing Applications, Security in Mobile Cloud Computing, Mobile User Security Approaches, Mobile Service Clouds.

How to Cite this Article?

Joan, D. R. R. (2014). An Overture of Mobile Cloud Computing and its Applications. i-manager’s Journal on Cloud Computing, 1(4), 11-18.


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