A Survey about Green Credential Cloud and its Security

T.Jenitha Arun Rejus*
PG Graduate, Department of Computer Science, Archana Institute of Technology, Krishnagiri, India.
Periodicity:August - October'2014
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jcc.1.4.3189


In this paper, the green credentials and the security in cloud computing is elaborated in a way that covers security issues, concerns and challenges for Data Security in cloud. Cloud computing plays an important role in bringing the users closer to applications. Cloud computing is said to be a main form of modern computing due to its tremendous advantages. But the main cause is about trust. Cloud computing offers the potential to reduce the environmental impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), mostly due to its flexibility and scalability. The users trust the cloud and decide to store sensitive data in the cloud, but the cloud does not provide that much security to the users' data. The key security issue with clouds is that the user of the data may not have control over their data and never have any idea about where the data is placed. This paper deals with cloud computing security issues and threats, especially with data confidentiality and privacy issues. The interests of different groups on users' private data, the legal aspects which enable governments and service providers itself to access their users' data and also the technical background on how they can do so, is covered. Finally some feasible remedies are also presented.


Cloud Computing, Key Security, Third Party Storage, Hackers, Security Issues.

How to Cite this Article?

Rejus, T. J. A. R. (2014). A Survey about Green Credential Cloud and its Security. i-manager’s Journal on Cloud Computing, 1(4), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.26634/jcc.1.4.3189


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