Survey on Mutual Coupling Reduction Techniques for Imaging Radar Application

C. Mekala*, P. Saranya**, V. Sathya Narayanan***
*-** PG Scholar, Department of Communication Systems, Kongu Engineering College, Erode, Tamil Nadu.
*** Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering , Kongu Engineering College, Erode, Tamil Nadu.
Periodicity:May - July'2014


Mutual Coupling is the general problem occurring in arrays used in Imaging Radars. It is the electromagnetic phenomena, which is produced from absorption of radiating energy of one antenna by another. It significantly affects input impedance of the antenna, performance of array processing algorithm, magnitude and phase of the re-radiated waves, radiation pattern and also the received element voltage. Hence this paper provides the review of different methods to protect system from these effects by reducing mutual coupling. This survey on mutual coupling reduction techniques of antenna array in Imaging RADARs are discussed deeply. The discussion initiates with the effect of mutual coupling in antenna and covers the topics such as, parameters affected by coupling effect, coupling reduction techniques and also about the functionality of these techniques in performance improvement. Concludes with the selection of specific reduction scheme for suitable application. This survey also concentrates on comparison of coupling effect reduction through arrangement of array element in square and triangular lattice of array.


Mutual coupling, Mutual Coupling reduction techniques, Imaging RADAR

How to Cite this Article?

Mekala, C., Saranya, P., Narayanan, V. S. (2014). Survey on Mutual Coupling Reduction Techniques for Imaging Radar Application. i-manager’s Journal on Communication Engineering and Systems, 3(3), 28-32.


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