The Effect of Dialect on Rating of Intelligence

Brandon K. Vaughn*, Godfrey Franklin**, Mamie Hixon***
* Assistant Professor, The University of Texas at Austin.
** Professor, University of West Florida.
*** Reading Center Administer, University of West Florida.
Periodicity:November - January'2009


To validate the “power of language” theory, the authors set out to ascertain whether there is any relationship between dialect (language) and intelligence rating.  This study suggests that language is a barometer by which people measure one’s intelligence and education.  The study further suggests that nonstandard English may influence the perception that the individual is not intelligent.  The American public favors people who use standard English and tends to discredit those who use nonstandard English.


Intelligence, Dialect, Language, Cognition.

How to Cite this Article?

Brandon K. Vaughn, Godfrey Franklin and Mamie Hixon (2009). The Effect of Dialect on Rating of Intelligence. i-manager’s Journal on Educational Psychology, 2(3), 48-56.


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