Energy Efficient Data Aggregation Using Packet Driven Timing Algorithm In Wireless Sensor Network

G. Kalaiselvi*, M. Jenora**
*-** PG Scholar, Department of CSE, Govt. College of Engineering, Tirunelveli, India.
Periodicity:January - March'2015


Energy in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is quite limited. Since sensor nodes are usually much dense, data sampled by sensor nodes have much redundancy, data aggregation becomes an effective method to eliminate redundancy, minimize the number of transmission, and then to save energy. Many applications can be deployed in WSNs and various sensors are embedded in nodes, the packets generated by heterogeneous sensors or different applications have different attributes. The packets from different applications cannot be aggregated. Otherwise, most data aggregation schemes employ static routing protocols, which cannot dynamically or intentionally forward packets according to network state or packet types. The spatial isolation caused by static routing protocol is unfavourable to data aggregation. To make data aggregation more efficient, in this paper, the authors introduce the concept of packet attribute, and then propose an Attribute-aware Data Aggregation (ADA) scheme consisting of a packet-driven timing algorithm and a special dynamic routing protocol. Inspired by the concept of potential in physics and pheromone in ant colony, a potential-based dynamic routing is elaborated to support an ADA strategy.


Attribute Aware Data Aggregation, Dynamic Routing Protocol, Packet Driven Timing Control Algorithm, Wireless Sensor Network.

How to Cite this Article?

Kalaiselvi, G., and Jenora, M. (2015). Energy Efficient Data Aggregation Using Packet Driven Timing Algorithm In Wireless Sensor Network. i-manager's Journal on Wireless Communication Networks, 3(4), 8-13.


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