An Emerging Training Model for Successful Lean Manufacturing – An Empirical Study

M. Ichimura*, Subramaniam Arunachalam**, Tom Page***
*Research Scholar ,University of East London ,UK.
**Senior Lecturer,University of East London ,UK.
***Lecturer ,Loughborough University ,UK
Periodicity:March - May'2008


The aim of this research paper is to provide a new model to carry out an effective workforce training programme in the Lean Manufacturing (LM) environment which will benefit manufacturing companies. A questionnaire survey has been undertaken in order to identify problems that British manufacturing companies are facing with training. Further to the questionnaire, an in-depth investigation took place within two UK based manufacturing companies. Moreover, company visits and interviews were conducted in Japan to collect information in relation to workforce training so that comparative studies between British and Japanese manufacturing company could be done. Subsequent to the analysis of questionnaire responses and information collected from company visits, a training model was proposed. This model was subsequently implemented and evaluated in the two UK manufacturing companies.

It was evident from the literature search, questionnaire survey and company visits that UK manufacturing companies have an interest in LM; however, they have difficulties in adapting it due to lack of skills in workforce training. The advantages and disadvantages are presented in this paper. Nevertheless, it is acknowledged that further case studies would be useful in order to confirm and extend the proposed model for the purpose of generalising it so that it can be adapted in any manufacturing company.

It is recognised that no structured workforce training framework has been previously suggested or designed for the lean environment. In light of the literature search, this proposed training model will contribute to manufacturing companies in UK attempting to adapt LM into their practices.


Lean Manufacturing, Workforce Training, Implementation Process.

How to Cite this Article?

M. Ichimura, S. Arunachalam and Tom Page (2008). An Emerging Training Model for Successful Lean Manufacturing - An Empirical Study. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 2(4), 29-40.


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