Computational and Genomic Analysis of Mycobacteriophage: A Longitudinal Study of Technology Engineered Biology Courses That Implemented an Inquiry Based Laboratory Practice Designed To Enhance, Encourage, and Empower Student Learning

Gail Hollowell*, James Edward Osler II**, April L. Hester***
* Associate Professor, Department of Biology, North Carolina Central University (NCCU), North Carolina.
** Faculty Member, School of Education, North Carolina Central University (NCCU), North Carolina.
*** Educator, Guilford County Schools.
Periodicity:January - March'2015


This paper provides an applied research rational for a longitudinal investigation that involved teaching a “Technology Engineered Science Education Course” via an Interactive Laboratory Based Genomics Curriculum. The Technology st Engineering [TE] methodology was first introduced at the SAPES: South Atlantic Philosophy of Education Society) 51 Conference. The TE philosophy was further expanded on in the book “The Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina: Educating Traumatized Children Pre KG through College” in a chapter titled, “Technology Engineering Educational Solutions for the Hurricane Katrina Region”. TE as a practice was later expounded upon in greater detail in an i-manager Journal on School Educational Technology article entitled, “Technology Engineering Science Instruction in the Information Age: Integrating Instructional Technology in K12 Education”, (Vol. 4, No. 1, pp.12-17). This study is a continuation of all of the aforementioned research. The research investigation introduced interactive advanced genomic teaching measures for scientific education via a series of “TEGenomic Biology courses”. The courses involved interactive laboratory teaching Genomic methodologies that actively encouraged authentic research-based student learning. The paper also historically explores similar previous research as a foundational precursor to the year long longitudinal applied research inquiry. The research investigation took place over three years and involved three technology engineered genomics courses designed for introductory science majors, the courses respectively were: BIOL 1101 (General Biology I); BIOL 2030 (Genomics Research Initiative I); and BIOL 2030 (Genomics Research Initiative II). The research outcomes yielded positive outcomes by participants over time, thereby indicating that the TEGenomic Biology courses were a positive and Genomic dynamically interactive way of teaching advanced science education topics.


Analysis, Genomic Analysis, Genomics Education Partnership (GEP), Inquiry Based Laboratories, Instruction, Laboratory, Metacognition, Mycobacteriiophage,Phage Hunters Integrating Research and Education (PHIRE), Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science (PHAGES), Science Education, [Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics] (STEM), and Technology Engineering

How to Cite this Article?

Hollowell, G.P., Osler, J.E., and Hester, A.L. (2015). Computational and Genomic Analysis of Mycobacteriophage: A Longitudinal Study of Technology Engineered Biology Courses That Implemented an Inquiry Based Laboratory Practice Designed To Enhance, Encourage, and Empower Student Learning. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 11(4), 39-58.


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