Enhancing Education through Mobile Augmented Reality

D. R. Robert Joan*
Assistant Professor, Christian College of Education, Marthandam, Tamil Nadu.
Periodicity:January - March'2015
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jet.11.4.3147


In this article, the author has discussed about the Mobile Augmented Reality and enhancing education through it. The aim of the present study was to give some general information about mobile augmented reality which helps to boost education. Purpose of the current study reveals the mobile networks which are used in the institution campus as well as university. Also, this study discusses the way to develop education and exchange information through mobile network. This article talk about, how one can improve the learning through mobile functions. Mobile Augmented Reality makes it possible to create new kind of services and applications. By making augmented reality work in mobile environments, people face new challenges in positioning, registration, system performance and energy consumption. The evolution of cellular networks and related technologies has recently been very fast. The transfer rates and low latencies for packet data required by many Augmented Reality applications are feasible using the upcoming generation cellular networks. The transmitting of information through mobile network takes a vital role in education. The classes which broadcast were listened through the mobile network by learner. Thus mobile augmented reality is captivating its role to enhance Education.


Mobile Augmented Reality, Education, Learning in Augmented Reality.

How to Cite this Article?

Joan, D.R.R. (2015). Enhancing Education through Mobile Augmented Reality. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 11(4), 8-14. https://doi.org/10.26634/jet.11.4.3147


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