Measuring Service Quality for students and Teachers Engaged in Higher Educational System

P. Ramasubramian*, P. Balasubramian**, S. Sankar Ganesh***
* Professor,Dept. of CSE, InfantJesus College of Engineering, Tamilnadu, India.
**Librarian,lnfant Jesus College of Englneerlng,Tamilnadu India
*** Asst. Professor:; Dept. of lnfant Jesus College of Engineering,Tamilnadu, India.
Periodicity:March - May'2008


The present scenarios in engineering education are passing through a critical phase as they are facing a global competition. Today’s engineering community is concerned with and attuned to improve the processes and outcomes of educating the future engineers. Students’ satisfaction is important for an institution because it promotes and strengthens its image and emphasizes the expectations and needs of the students [2]. Measuring student satisfaction by emphasizing on service quality delivered to students is an effective performance evaluation index. The present paper attempts to study the measures of the student’s satisfaction in an educational institution which integrates service quality and improves engineering education by introducing and strengthening its commitment to assess specific approaches to teaching, learning, and student learning outcomes.


Academic Performance, Higher Education, Satisfaction, Service Quality.

How to Cite this Article?

P. Ramasubramian, P. Balasubramian and S. Sankar Ganesh (2008). Measuring Service Quality for Students and Teachers Engaged in Higher Educational System. i-manager’s Journal on Management, 2(4), 23-28.


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