Applications of Artificial Neural Networks in various areas of Power System; A Review

Manjula S. Sureban*, Shekhappa G. Ankaliki **
* P.G. Scholar, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SDM College of Engineering & Tech, Dharwad, India.
** Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SDM College of Engineering & Tech, Dharwad, India.
Periodicity:November - January'2015


The Indian power sector has made remarkable progress since Independence. The total installed capacity has gone up from 1,362 MW in 1947 to more than 2,00,000 MW in 2012 and the transmission network has increased from the isolated system concentrated around urban and industrial areas to country wide National Grid. Increased interconnection and loading of the power system along with deregulated structure and environmental concerns has brought new challenges for electric power system operation, control and automation. In liberalized electricity market, the operation and control of power system become complex due to complexity in modeling and uncertainties. In competitive electricity market along with automation, artificial intelligent techniques are very useful. Intelligent techniques make the power system more efficient and effective by operating in the desired manner as per the design and training of the systems. This paper is a review of the applications of Artificial Neural Networks into various areas of power system.


Artificial Neural Networks, Power System, Power Sector

How to Cite this Article?

Sureban, M. S., and Ankaliki, G. S.(2015). Applications of Artificial Neural Networks In Various Areas of Power System; A Review. i-manager’s Journal on Power Systems Engineering, 2(4), 35-44.


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