Is the world “flat” or is the world “spiky”? Although leading authors and thinkers (Florida, 2005; Friedman, 2006) struggle to find the perfect metaphor for describing our 21st century global ecosystem, there is agreement that the landscape is shifting. There is overwhelming agreement that our current education system was designed and continues to operate on an antiquated industrial model. To meet efficiencies, instruction is produced for batch delivery. This mass-delivery method inevitably will emphasize one learning style (i.e., visual, auditory) and be taught through the lenses of one intelligence (i.e., logical mathematical). This causes failure-to-strive syndrome in many students as the ecosystem fails to provide them the proper support that nurtures and rewards their individual learning needs. (Beilke & Peoples, 1997; Brown & Adler, 2008; Gardner, 2007; Pink, 2006; Robinson, 2001).
Emerging technologies (Web 2.0) have the potential to deliver learning that is highly customized to individual interests and intelligences (Christensen, Horn, & Johnson, 2008). This paper reports on a content analysis of website descriptions of the top 100 Web 2.0 learning tools as identified by the Center for Learning and Performance Technologies. Emergent themes are reported and deductive coding -- based on Howard Gardner’s seven intelligences -- is used to refine thematic information.