Dufour Effect on a Viscous MHD Flow Past An Oscillating Infinite Vertical Plate WithVariable Temperature and Variable Mass through Porous Media

M.Rajaiah*, A. Sudhakaraiah**, M. Sivaiah***, P. Venkatalakshmi****
* Professor, (Mathematics) and Head, Department of Humanities and Sciences, ASCET, Gudur, Nellore (Dt).
** Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Future Studies, S.V. University, Tirupati, A.P, India.
*** Senior Lecturer and Head, Department of Mathematics, NBKR Arts & Science Degree College, Vidyanagar, Nellore (Dt), A.P, India.
**** Professor(Mathematics), Department of Humanities and Sciences, ASCET, Gudur, Nellore (Dt).
Periodicity:July - September'2014
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jmat.3.3.3109


This paper analyzes the Dufour and Soret effects on the MHD flow with heat and mass transfer on flow past an oscillating infinite vertical plate with variable temperature and variable mass through porous medium. The dimensionless governing partial differential equations are solved by using finite difference method. The velocity, temperature and concentration profiles are considered for different physical parameters. The results are analyzed through graphs and tables. It is observed that the velocity profiles increase through increase in Dufour (Du) and Soret (Sr) numbers and decrease with increase in permeability (K) and suction parameter (V ). An increase in increase in Du, leads to increase 0 in the temperature. The concentration profiles increase with increase in Prandtl (Pr) and Soret numbers, wt and decreases through increase in Schmidt number (Sc), , Du, and also with suction V . The shear stress increases with 0 increase in modified Gr, K, Ec, Du, Sc, V and decreases through an increase in Hartmann (M)and Grashof (Gr) numbers, 0 Pr, Sr, and . Increase in M, Gc, K, Pr, Sr, and V causes decrease in the rate of heat transfer and increase in Gr, Ec, Du, , 0 and Sc leads to increase in the rate of heat transfer. The rate of mass transfer increases through an increase in M, Gr, Gc, K, Pr, Du, and V and decreases with an increase in Ec, Sr, , and Sc. In the absence of suction, viscous dissipation, and 0 mass transfer, the results obtained were good agreement with Sarswat and Srivastava (16). The graphs are drawn to show the comparative study.


Viscous MHD Flow, Oscillating Infinite Vertical Plate, Variable Temperature

How to Cite this Article?

Rajaiah, M., Sudhakaraiah, A., Sivaiah, M., and Venkatalakshmi, P. (2014). Dufour Effect on a Viscous Mhd Flow Past An Oscillating Infinite Vertical Plate With Variable Temperature and Variable Mass through Porous Media. i-manager’s Journal on Mathematics, 3(3), 43-56. https://doi.org/10.26634/jmat.3.3.3109


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