It is said that our act is geared by our emotions, therefore human functioning is determined by emotions and emotions themselves are considered as higher order intelligence. Emotional intelligence is said as, the ability to perceive accurately, appraise and express emotions, generate feeling that facilitate thoughts and ability to regulate emotion to promote growth. This paper is an attempt to know the relationship between positive teaching attitudes of B.Ed. trainees with their emotional intelligence. The study is done on the sample of 300 B.Ed. trainees of Aurangabad City. The tool used to measure teaching attitude is 'Teaching Attitude Scale', prepared by Dr. S.A. Ahluwalia & 'Rogan Emotional Intelligence Test', prepared by Prof. Roquiya, Zainuddin & Anjum Ahmed. The findings reveal that, teaching attitude of B.Ed. Trainee is of moderate level where emotional intelligence level is also normal. The relationship between positive teaching attitude and emotional intelligence is moderate.