A Correlative Study to Assess the Self-Esteem and Perceived Stigma among Adult Children of Mentally Ill Parents in Kasturba Hospital, Manipal of Udupi District

Jayakrishna*, Shalini**, Savitha***
* Lecturer, SUM Nursing College, Siksha O Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.
** Assistant Professor, Manipal College of Nursing, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka.
*** Assistant Professor, Manipal College of Nursing, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka.
Periodicity:November - January'2015
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jnur.4.4.3076


The research study titled “A correlative study to assess the self esteem and perceived stigma among adult children of mentally ill parents in Kasturba hospital, Manipal of Udupi district”, the objectives were to (a) assess the level of self esteem of adult children of their mentally ill parents as measured by Rosenberg's self esteem scale. (b) assess the perceived stigma by the adult children of mentally ill parents (c) find the relationship between self esteem and perceived stigma of adult children of mentally ill parents. A survey approach using a descriptive correlational study design was used for the study. A total of 63 samples were adult children of parents who had been diagnosed as having schizophrenia, mood disorder or organic mental disorder for more than 6 months, attending the psychiatric OPD and ward of Kasturba Hospital in Manipal. The findings of the study support that, there is no significant relationship between self esteem and perceived stigma among the adult children of mentally ill parents.


Adult Children, Self Esteem, Perceived Stigma, Mentally Ill Parents.

How to Cite this Article?

Jayakrishna, Shalini and Savitha (2015). A Correlative Study to Assess the Self-Esteem and Perceived Stigma among Adult Children of Mentally Ill Parents in Kasturba Hospital, Manipal of Udupi District. i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 4(4), 27-31. https://doi.org/10.26634/jnur.4.4.3076


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