Knowledge and Practice in Care of Eclampsia among Staff Nurses with a View to Develop Protocol in Punjab

Bimla Rani*
*Professor cum Vice-Principal, Mai Bhago College of Nursing, Punjab.
Periodicity:November - January'2015


Hypertensive disorders are the second most common cause of maternal deaths worldwide. There are several major categories of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy ranging from mild to moderate rise in blood pressure with proteinuria, severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia. Maternal hypertension, even of the mild to moderate category can lead to adverse perinatal outcomes like low birth weight, prematurity, stillbirth and intra uterine growth retardation. In Punjab, MMR is 300/100000 live births. The midwife is in a unique position to educate and empower woman throughout the phases of childbirth in order for them to achieve a healthy pregnancy with the optimum outcome of a healthy baby. The objective of the study to assess the knowledge and practice of staff nurses in care of eclampsia patients. Descriptive research design was adopted for the present study. The study was conducted at selected government hospitals of Punjab on a sample of 500 staff nurses using simple random sampling technique. The structured self-administered schedule was used to collect the data. The study results showed that out of 500 staff nurses, 27.8% (139) had below average knowledge, whereas majority 60.6% (303) of staff nurses had average knowledge, nearly 11.4% (57) staff nurses had good knowledge and only one staff nurse scored very good knowledge in care of eclampsia. In regard of practice, few staff nurses 6%(30) had below average practice, 52.2%(261) subjects had average practice, nearly 39% (195) had good practice and only 2.8% (14) subjects scored very good practice score in care of pregnant women with eclampsia. According to the results it was concluded that, most of the staff nurses had average knowledge and practice in care of eclampsia. There was relationship between staff nurses knowledge and practice. Protocol developed by the researcher will increase the knowledge and level of practice of staff nurses in care of eclampsia.


Knowledge, Practice, Eclampsia, Staff Nurse.

How to Cite this Article?

Rani, B. (2015). Knowledge and Practice in Care of Eclampsia among Staff Nurses with a View to Develop Protocol in Punjab. i-manager’s Journal on Nursing, 4(4), 22-26.


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